Tourist office
The Vall de Boí Tourism Board
The Vall de Boí Tourism Board is a Local Autonomous Organization of an administrative nature, dependent on the Vall de Boí Town Hall. Our mission is to promote and manage the tourism development of the municipality, working to showcase the cultural, natural, and human heritage that makes the Vall de Boí a unique place in the world.
We are a team passionate about our land and quality tourism. Leading the way, we work as tourism specialists: Silvia, Txell, and Anna.
Our goal is to make your experience in the Vall de Boí unforgettable. If you need information or support during your visit, you will find us at the tourist office, always ready to help! 😊
Ets una empresa turística de la Vall de Boí?
Si vols estar informat de manera ràpida i efectiva de novetats i accions que es desenvolupen a la vall i compartir informació turísitica amb les altres empreses del sector pots contactar amb nosaltres per a que t'incloguem al grup de whatsapp de Turisme de la Vall de Boí.
I igualment si tens una empresa i vols que la publicitem en aquesta web posa't en contacte amb nosaltres i t'informarem de les diferents possiblitats.
Vols ser una empresa col.laboradora del Patronat de Turisme de la Vall de Boí? Aquí tens tota la informació
Contact information
Ps. Sant Feliu, 43
25527 - Barruera
Tel. 973 694 000
WhatsApp: +34 608 59 68 52
Opening hours
Winter opening hours:
- From Monday to Saturday from 9 to 14 and from 17 to 19h.
- Sunday from 10 to 14h.
- (We close, December the 24th afternoon, December the 25th, January the 1st)
Summer Opening hours:
- From Monday to Sunday from 9 to 14 and from 17 to 19 h.