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Recess time

Barruera playground

A large playground area next to the Noguera de Tor River.

Durro playground

Inspired by the Falles and traditions. Intangible Heritage.

Traditions are only preserved if they are celebrated year after year by the same people from the region as their own deed, and not simply as a legacy of the past.


Boí playground

Inspired by nature. National Park of Aigüestortes.

The only national park in Catalonia, with peaks exceeding three thousand meters in height, rivers, ravines, waterfalls, and wetlands that truly make us feel like we are in the land of water. Nearly 300 lakes of various shapes and colors and a great diversity of animal and plant species.



Erill la Vall playground

Inspired by Romanesque. World Heritage.

An exceptional set of churches in a small area, all of the same architectural style. Eight churches and a hermitage have been preserved over time thanks to the isolation of the valley until well into the last century.


Taüll playground

Inspired by Starlight. Starlight Tourist Destination and Reserve

The Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park is one of the best-preserved protected natural areas in southern Europe. In addition to its natural and cultural attractions, exceptional conditions for practicing astronomy should be added.



El Pla de l'Ermita playground

A privaleged location

A large play area, in a privileged location, near the viewpoint and the hermitage of Sant Quirc de Taüll.