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Romanesque with the family

Romanesque with the family

Centre del Romànic de la Vall de Boí

La nova museografia del Centre ofereix opcions per a tota la família, amb diferents visions.

Nous relats i tecnologies immersives que us faran viure noves experiències.

La realitat virtual ens permetrà viure una experiència immersiva que us durà a temps i espais que mai hauríeu imaginat.


Video Mapping

Discover with the videomapping how it was Sant Climent de Taüll church at XII century.

+ information

Family activity Treasures that speak to us!

We propose a family activity in the form of a game of clues to discover the treasures of the Romanesque churches of the Vall de Boí!

Will you be able to find all the treasures? Good luck!

Download the game (available in Spanish) 

Paint the the Romanesque

Become a painter and colour the Romanesque churches of the Vall de Boí!

Download the drawings.

Christ in Majesty

Sant Climent and Santa Maria de Taüll

Sant Joan de Boí

Santa Eulàlia d'Erill La Vall