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The Falles

The Falles

Falles calendar 2024

In the Vall de Boí will be held:

Friday, June 14 in Durro

Sunday, June 23 in Boí

Saturday, July 6 in Barruera

Saturday, July 13 in Erill la Vall

Friday, July 19 in Taüll

Friday, July 26 in el Pla de l'Ermita


To other surrounding municipalities:

Saturday, June 22 in Senet

Sunday, June 23 in El Pont de Suert, Vilaller and Casós

Saturday, July 27 in Llesp

Taxis Falles 2024

Price 3€/per person per way
  • June 14 - Falles Durro

Departure from petrol station in Barruera from 7pm

Return from Durro from 12am to 1.30am 

  • June 23 - Falles Boí

For access to Boí there will be two exits and returns, from Barruera and from Taüll

Departure from petrol station in Barruera from 6.00pm

Departure from Taüll (bus stop) from 6.00pm

The returns from Boí to Taüll / Barruera from 12 until 01.30am

  • July 13 - Falles Erill la Vall

Departure from Boí from 7pm

Return from 12 to 1.30am

  • July 19 - Falles Taüll

Departure from bus station in Pla de l'Ermita from 8pm

Return from 12 to 1.30am


  1. This service is for everyone who cannot access with their vehicle to the town where the Fallas are held.
  2. Outside these hours, you can hire a taxi service on your own by calling the Vall de Boí Taxi Association directly. Telephone 629 20 54 89
  3. It is totally forbidden to park on the sides of the access roads to the villages. He will be punished.
  4. If you come with a motorhome, the recommended areas are Barruera, Pla de l'Ermita and the Barruera and Taüll campsites.

Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO

The Fallas festival, celebrated in sixty-three villages in the Pyrenees and Pre-Pyrenees (34 from France, 17 from Catalonia, 9 from Aragon and 3 from Andorra) has been declared Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.

Know as "The Summer Solstice Fire Fest in the Pyrenees: Fallas, Haros and Brandons" this tradition is worldwide recognize.

Falles festival in Vall de Boí

People say that traditions are only alive if they are celebrated year after year by the locals as a fact of their own and not simply as an inheritance from the past. The Falles festival has been a tradition in our villages since ancient times.

Each year, before the start of the summer solstice, currently coinciding with the festival, the villages celebrate the Fallas.

A festivity related to the sun's worship, thanking the gods for the harvests they received and scaring away bad spirits.


In the rural world, festivals are closely linked to the agricultural and solar circles . To pull out the fire, a symbol of the sun, from the mountains and bring it down to the village serves to purify the fields and forests, as well as to purify the population and preserve it from evil spirits.

Further information
What are the fallas?

Fallas is a torch made of resinous wood about two meters long, which is made of pieces of wood attached to an ash tree with wires and tips. There are also a variety of torchs made on a single piece of pine worked to burn hard, they are called Rantiners.

What is the party like?

The festival begins a few days before with the elaboration of the "falles" and "rantiners". The residents work to prepare them and let them dry a little.

On Fallas's Night all starts at the "faro", a high mountain spot, usually with a good view over the village where a pine tree and other trees have been planted to get a bonfire. From this point the "falles" are lit before the download begins.

The "fallaires", after dinner and when it is very dark, turn on the "faro", and with the "falles", they descend proudly to bring the fire to the village with one of the residents in front, until they reach the square, where people receive them with joy, music and party, a great bonfire is made with the remains of "falles" and "rantiners" who have resisted the descent and the party starts.

How to get there?

Vall de Boí villages do not have large car parks to accommodate all the visitors cars who want to enjoy the "falles".

It is for this reason that, once the parking spaces are full, the accesses will be closed and an alternative parking and transport service will be offered at a price of 3€ per person, to attend and enjoy, peacefully Fallas Festival. The staff will be in charge of managing this and giving you the corresponding instructions to have a good experience.